In the name of the Lord!
All those who love the Lord with their whole heart, with their whole soul and mind, with their whole strength and love their neighbors as themselves, who hate their bodies with their vices and sins, who receive the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and who produce worthy fruits of penance. 
O how happy and blessed are these men and women while they do such things and persevere in doing them, because the Spirit of the Lord will rest upon them and make Its home and dwelling place among them and they are children of the heavenly Father Whose works they do and they are spouses, brothers and mothers of Lord Jesus Christ. We are spouses when the faithful soul is joined by the Holy Spirit to our Lord Jesus Christ. We are brothers to Him when we do the will of the Father who is in heaven. We are mothers when we carry Him in our heart and body through a divine love and a pure and sincere conscience and give birth to Him 
through a holy activity which must shine as an example before others.
O how glorious it is to have a holy and great father in heaven! O how holy, consoling to have such a beautiful and wonderful Spouse! 
O how holy and how loving, gratifying, humbling, peace-giving, sweet, worthy of love and above all things, desirable: to have such a Brother and such a Son,our Lord Jesus Christ, Who laid down His life for His sheep and prayed to His Father, saying: 
Holy Father, in your name, save those whom you have given me in the world; they were yours and you gave them to me. The words that you gave to me I have given to them and they accepted them and have believed in truth that I have come from you and they have known that you have sent me. I pray fro them and not for the world. Bless and sanctify them; I sanctify myself for them. I pray not only for them, but for those who will believe in me through their word that they might be sanctified in being one as we are. I wish, Father, that where I am, they also may be with me that they see my glory in your kingdom. Amen. 

Leopold Mandic (1866-1942) cappuccino

Blessed Leopold I was born in Castelnuovo (Herceg-Novi) to the Bay of Kotor (Kotor) May 12, 1866, the eleventh of twelve children of the pious and industrious family of Peter Mandic Croatian Carevic and Charlotte. At the baptism received the name of Bogdan (Adeodato) John.

His paternal grandfather was a native of Nicholas Mandic Poljica in the Archdiocese of Split (Split), where his ancestors - "Bosnian lords" - had come from Bosnia, back in the fifteenth century.
As a boy, Bogdan demonstrated a strong character, but he also turned in a strong piety, nobility of spirit and commitment to the school. Soon he felt led to religious life.

At that time Castelnovo in providing their services for the PP. Capuchins of the Province of Venice, and Bogdan reached the decision to join the Order of the Capuchins. He was received in the first seminar of Udine seraphic and then, eighteen, May 2, 1884 - Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza) - he took the religious habit, getting the new name between Leopold and committing themselves to the rule and
the spirit of s. Francis of Assisi. He continued his philosophical and theological studies in Padua and Venice, where - in the Basilica of Our Lady of Health - was ordained priest, 20 September 1890.

Since 1887, between Leopold had felt called several times and "clearly", to promote the union of the separated Eastern Christians with the Catholic Church. But how to make this call? Because the slender physique and a speech impediment, he could not devote himself to preaching. I therefore sent him to a greater service to souls, as a minister of reconciliation. He was the confessor in various cities: Venice, Zara, Bassano del Grappa, Thiene to the shrine of Our Lady of the Elm and, since October 1909, in Padua. In 1923 he was transferred to Fiume (Rijeka), but after a few weeks, at the repeated request of Padua, was ordered to return to their city, where he remained until his death, July 30, 1942.

There, in his narrow cell-religious penitents continued to receive many, listening patiently, encouraging and comforting, bringing the peace of God in souls and sometimes even getting through the temporal order. During the cold winter and sweltering summer without vacations, plagued by various illnesses, he remained in service until the last day of souls, becoming a martyr of the confessional.

All this, however, he was always keeping in mind what he himself considered the primary mission of his life: that is, being useful to his people and union of the Churches. As they could not give the apostolate among the separated brethren East, pledged to vote several times repeated, to be all things - prayers, suffering, ministry, life - to this end. Therefore, in every soul who asked his ministry, he decided to see his "East."

But for all this in him was less a desire to serve his people with a physical presence. He said one day to a friend: "Please Mistress Blessed me the favor of that, having accomplished my mission in Padua, to bring my poor bones among my people for the good of souls. From Padua, for now , there's no way you can escape, they want me here, but I'm like a bird in a cage, my heart is always beyond the sea. "

Even this concern was part of that sacrifice so the p. Leopold deserves to be considered one of the greatest precursors and apostles of ecumenism. While he was alive, his mission was hidden, but now it looks great in front of the whole Church. Blessed Leopold points to the path of unity of all Christians, that is the way of sacrifice and prayer so that "all are one" (Jn 17, 21).

In 1946 he started the information process for the beatification. On March 1, 1974 was issued the Decree on the heroic virtues of the Servant of God, and followed the February 12, 1976 Decree on the miracles attributed to her intercession.

Finally came the day of the solemn beatification, decreed by Pope Paul VI, Pope of Vatican II and the intense dedication to ecumenism.

On May 2, 1976 was proclaimed "Blessed" by Pope Paul VI.

Four circumstances make it particularly poignant as happy event of the canonization occurs within the extraordinary Holy Year of Redemption, in the course of the Synod of Bishops, whose theme is the "Reconciliation" in the day - October 16, 1983 - coinciding with the fifth anniversary of 'election to the pontificate of John Paul II, and when we remember also the 25th anniversary of his episcopate.

Crispin of Viterbo (1668-1750) religious, OFM Cap

Crispin was born in Viterbo, between November 13, 1668 by Marco Fioretti and spouses Ubaldo Antoni. He was baptized on the 15th of that month under the name of Peter. Ubaldo will soon be released from the scene, leaving the orphaned son still at an early age and Marzia widow for the second time. To care for the child will take over his uncle Francis, who will allow him to attend primary schools at a profit with the Jesuits, and then welcome him as an apprentice shoemaker in his shop.

The pious mother, meanwhile, poured on the little Peter the purest and deepest care nursery. In a visit to the shrine of the Oak, pointing to the child the image of the Virgin, says, "See, that's your mother and your lady, love her and honor it in the future as your mother and your wife." The future of the Religious erect an altar anywhere and will always offer "the most beautiful flowers." Peter Fioretti would have decided to become a cappuccino at a penitential procession which was held in Viterbo petitioning for rain in times of severe drought. In the procession marched down exemplary even novices from the monastery of Palanzana. It was the last touch of grace for its final resolution. In fact, July 22, 1693, twenty-five, will make its entry in that convent to accomplish the novitiate year. Fate of Communities in various convents in Lazio (Tolfa, Rome, Albano, Monterotondo) and that of Orvieto, where he remained for about forty years, the humble and hard you exercise the offices of a nurse, cook, gardener and begging. His religious life will spend 57 years on the cutting totally consecrated to the service of God and neighbor. Incredible work he carried out in the fields of healthcare to bring peace, justice and serenity in the depths of consciousness. We pay tribute to the charisms which the Spirit grants if we say that between Crispin became so singular resonance evangelical on all fronts. No one escapes his attention to artists, businessmen, police officers (then called the cops), prisoners, orphans, the sick, farmers, mothers, consecrated souls. And this not only during the forty years of Orvieto, where the apostolate of the bread bag filled with opportunities to meet her next day. Although they belong to that period of his or her life the most exciting events of his social sensitivity.

Crispin has to his credit among other religious consecration 18 years spent in the kitchen closed, cloistered in the fence and the garden - the last two, with detachment - the infirmary to grips with their ailments preludenti at sunset. How he could pour out so much wisdom enlightening and inspiring even at this stage of the hidden life is not easy to understand. The discrete cultural education and youth drawn in the same congenial conviviality, then matured in a communicative flowery poetry and insightful aphorisms, not enough to explain the appeal of the humble cook Albano on personalities of the highest rank. It is true that many, especially the prelates, however, flowed in these beautiful places and recreational areas. But the fact remains that everyone, nobles and scholars, beginning with Pope Clement XI, loved to talk with him and sought his advice. And neither can humanly understand scandals that arose when the reconciliation of obedience to deliver Crispino between the gardener's hoe in more solitary convent of Monterotondo. Last but not least the hundreds of letters, simple and essential, Latrice on wider range of his unfailing love. A man so full of love, that true son of the Seraphic builds all of Assisi, fraternizing with all glory to God with the notes of the Canticle of the Creatures.

But perhaps reflect on what is more important if, after having seen everything from Crispin won the other, I give back for a moment to himself. He wanted to sanctify themselves first, implement minority living in what we today, with so much ingenuity in the methods, we call learning.
As a young man he attended school classic, but religion takes a master of his less fortunate brethren in the studies, lived about a century and a half earlier, the lifestyle so much like her, who was canonized by the Pope his friend is Happy Cantalice . Among Crispin will look for life the only six "letters" of which he was familiar with the firstborn of Capuchin Saints: the wounds of Christ and the Virgin Mary. Joy, courtesy and illuminated communicability become proverbial in him, suppose an exercise of penance and sacrifice incessant. Crucified to his vows, he shared the sacrifice until the singing of the ECE Community quam bonum. It must have been really great is his love that often ran in various monasteries to heal and comfort the sick brother at great risk to their health.

Despite all the testimony of reverence and affection, between Crispino there were dangers, humiliations, misunderstandings and crosses. And that was granted to him as a cleric. In fact, his consistent commitment to the realization of the Gospel not only put him in the spotlight, but also in permanent conflict with the reality around him.

Among Crispin did not admit any donations in his life sized, half-measures, compromises, reservations. He gave up the first hour to beat the road of mediocrity and is perfectly tuned with the radicalism of the Gospel. Just listen: "We love God with all my heart" "all we have to work for God's sake." Speaking to a brother's states: "If you want to save your soul, you have to serve the following things: love all, speak well of everyone and do well at all." The force took over difficulties repeating to himself: "This is so good that I expect that every pain is my pleasure," or find the quiet at the thought that "when a man does his part and knows all that can, in remainder must jump into the sea of the mercy of God. "

It was very demanding with himself, and therefore had the courage to ask much gospel to others and especially to his brother. He wanted the religious life was busy, austere, full of good works, leavened by a continuous dynamic and do penance.

Among Crispino was exemplary in fraternity life, especially through caring services, humble, creative and joyful to others. Throughout his life he distinguished himself in evangelical poverty. Restrained use of things, he was averse to any superfluity or refinement. In his office begging was able to unite the greatest love a lively sense of pure need. In the convent had only come to bless and thank Providence. Poverty, therefore, with the mystery of love and sharing. Understood the need and attractiveness of purity in an eminent way. For the protection of this virtue is made use of three media: a singular devotion to the Virgin Mary, prayer, penance. He became a model of obedience, as a source of deep joy and everlasting effective means to maintain personal peace and fraternal harmony.

Among Crispin the holy joy, the joy of the Christian is the result of listening and internalization of the Word of God, of peace and communion with our brothers. He passionately loved the Lord in the beating of daily living difficult. Eagerly sought the face of God, has polarized all his energy to reciprocate the love of God

For a good pastor, tormented by great spiritual anxiety, including Crispin advises that such an experienced teacher of spirit could not do better: "Let it go ... great spirit and manly gay (to perform duties often so delicate), not case of disturbance by Attorney ... ... be happy in the Lord and have fun in things brilliant, but good and holy, but when it is attacked by melancholy ... If our life is a continuous war, is a sign that we are destined for mercy of God to be the major principles in paradise. "

This is the last letter and the longest published. There is in it delicacy of stroke, psychological insight and spiritual security. It may be regarded as the testament and, together, one of the most expressive portraits of the spiritual physiognomy of between Crispin. Fell seriously ill during the winter 1747-48, 13 May left the convent in Orvieto for the time in Rome. When, two years later, the nurse warned him that death was near, said, assuring that he would not die May 18 for "do not disturb the feast of St. Felix." In fact he died the following day: May 19, 1750.

His mortal remains are exposed for the veneration of the faithful in a chapel of the Immaculate Conception Church in Via Vittorio Veneto, Rome.

On September 7, 1806 was proclaimed "Blessed" by Pope Pius VII.

Three circumstances make it particularly poignant as happy event of the canonization is this year celebrating the 8th centenary of the birth of St. Francis during the month that sees the Order of Friar Crispino congregated in one of its most important general chapters, is the first to be decreed by Pope John Paul II in four years of his papacy.